
The G7's Struggle to Address the Israeli War in Gaza

Marc Zerbola Challande
December 9, 2023
 min read

Article Highlights

  • The Group of Seven (G7): We discuss the challenges and divisions within the G7 as it attempts to address the ongoing Israeli war in Gaza;
  • Geopolitical implications: The text also highlights the potential implications of the G7's lack of unity on the Gaza issue, including the influence of China and Russia and the overall relevance of the G7 in addressing future geopolitical crises.

The Group of Seven (G7), consisting of wealthy democracies, is facing a significant challenge in maintaining its relevance as a united force in tackling major geopolitical crises. The current issue at hand is the struggle among its member nations to agree on a firm and united approach to the ongoing war in Gaza. As foreign ministers from Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the European Union, and the United States gathered in Tokyo, it is evident that finding common ground on the conflict is proving to be an arduous task.

Divisions Within the G7

One of the main reasons for the G7's struggle to find a unified stance on the Israeli war in Gaza is the division among its European members. European nations have varying concerns and divergent political and economic loyalties, which are reflected in their differing positions on the conflict. Thomas Gomart, the director of the French Institute of International Relations, acknowledges these divisions, stating, "Europeans are divided, and this division is also certainly visible within the G7."

Complicating the matter is the cautious approach taken by the current chair of the G7, Japan. Unlike its closest ally, the United States, Japan has resisted pressure to align itself with a pro-Israel stance. This cautious approach is driven by Japan's diverse diplomatic interests in the region and its heavy dependence on the Middle East for oil. Japan seeks a balanced response that takes into account the complex dynamics of the conflict.

G7 foreign ministers meet in Tokyo | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

Lobbying Efforts by Israel

Israel has actively lobbied Japan in an attempt to influence its position on the war in Gaza. Israeli diplomats have engaged in phone calls, emails, and visits to Japanese officials, aiming to sway Japan towards a more pro-Israel stance. However, Japan's cautious approach remains intact, with mounting casualties in Gaza reinforcing its measured response. According to health officials in Gaza, nearly 10,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, have been killed since the start of Israel's bombardment in retaliation for attacks by the militant group Hamas.

Challenges in Finding Common Ground

The G7 foreign ministers' meeting in Tokyo is unlikely to result in a firm and united approach to the Israeli war in Gaza. If a communique is issued, it will likely be formulated in general terms that reflect the different concerns and diverse political and economic loyalties within the group. France and Canada, for instance, have expressed concerns about a potential backlash from Arab or Jewish segments of their populations. The United States' strong support for Israel further complicates the task of reaching common positions within the G7.

Japan G7 Foreign Ministers | International |

Agreeing on specific wording regarding Israel's right to defend itself, addressing civilian casualties in Gaza, and calling for a temporary halt in the fighting poses further challenges. Hideaki Shinoda, a professor at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, emphasizes the need for concrete proposals on how to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza, where essential supplies such as fuel, food, water, and medical resources are scarce. However, finding agreement on these proposals is likely to be a tall task.

The G7's Track Record

The G7 was originally established half a century ago to address global economic problems. Over time, its scope has expanded to include political and security issues, serving as the collective voice of major industrialized countries. While the G7 has demonstrated unity in certain situations, such as imposing sanctions on Russia during the Ukraine war and addressing economic coercion from China, it has struggled to present a united front on the Israeli-Gaza conflict.

Since the outbreak of the war, the G7 has issued only one joint statement on the conflict, consisting of a few sentences. In contrast, individual member countries have released their own joint statements. The divisions within the G7 have also been evident at the United Nations, where France voted in favor of a resolution calling for a humanitarian truce, the United States opposed it, and other G7 members abstained.

Blinken: It's 'clear that Israel cannot occupy Gaza' | The Hill
“Israel has repeatedly told us that there’s no going back to October 6th before the barbaric attacks by Hamas.  We fully agree.  As we work with Israel to ensure this, we also are working in the region to deter broader threats to our partners and to our friends.”
Secretary Antony Blinken

Implications and Concerns

The lack of unity and failure to effectively address the Israeli war in Gaza within the G7 may have significant implications. China and Russia, seizing the opportunity to portray themselves as champions of the developing world, oppose the United States and exploit any signs of disunity within the G7. Kunihiko Miyake, a research director at The Canon Institute for Global Studies, highlights the importance of considering how China and Russia will interpret these developments and how they may attempt to test the G7.

Any division or failure to stem the conflict may only serve to embolden G7 detractors, ultimately undermining the relevance and influence of the group. The ongoing struggle to find common ground on the Israeli war in Gaza poses a critical challenge for the G7, potentially impacting its ability to address future geopolitical crises effectively.

Key Points to Remember

  • G7 faces challenges in maintaining unity on addressing geopolitical crises, specifically the Israeli war in Gaza.
  • Divisions within the G7, particularly among European members, hinder a unified stance.
  • Japan, as the current G7 chair, takes a cautious approach due to its diplomatic interests and dependence on Middle East oil.
  • Israel's lobbying efforts to influence Japan's stance have not shifted Japan's measured response.
  • The G7's inability to find common ground on Gaza may impact its relevance and empower rivals like China and Russia.

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