
Tisdale Could Become A Key Player In Saskatchewan’s Uranium Race: How They Are Primed With Potential In Athabasca

Deep within the heart of Northern Saskatchewan lies a geological marvel that can power nations and light up entire cities. We’re talking about the colossal, jaw-dropping uranium deposits that make this region the undisputed heavyweight champion of the uranium world. Northern Saskatchewan is like the Superman of uranium as it contributes a whopping chunk—nearly a quarter—of the entire world’s uranium supply for electricity generation.

Marc Zerbola Challande
August 8, 2023
 min read

Article Highlights

Deep within the heart of Northern Saskatchewan lies a geological marvel that can power nations and light up entire cities. We’re talking about the colossal, jaw-dropping uranium deposits that make this region the undisputed heavyweight champion of the uranium world. Northern Saskatchewan is like the Superman of uranium as it contributes a whopping chunk—nearly a quarter—of the entire world’s uranium supply for electricity generation.

Now, let’s fast-forward to the year 2050—a time when the world aims to achieve Net Zero Emissions. 

To make this vision a reality, we must get behind behind nuclear power, lending it the support it deserves. Take Japan as an example, where they aim to have 20% of their energy come from nuclear power by 2023.

Uranium power boasts one exceptional attribute: its low-emission by nature. By harnessing the energy released from nuclear fission, uranium power plants produce electricity without spewing out harmful greenhouse gases. Moreover, the efficiency of uranium power plants is nothing short of extraordinary. A small amount of uranium fuel can generate an immense amount of energy. To put it into perspective, a single uranium pellet, roughly the size of a fingertip, can produce as much energy as several barrels of oil. Furthermore, uranium power provides a reliable and stable energy source. Unlike intermittent renewables that depend on weather conditions, uranium power plants operate consistently, ensuring a steady supply of electricity day in and day out. This reliability is crucial for maintaining a resilient power grid, ensuring that homes, businesses, and critical infrastructure have the energy they need when they need it.

Orano Canada and Cameco Corporation, 2 Major Leaders in the Region

Currently, the entirety of Canada’s operational uranium mines and mills are situated in northern Saskatchewan. Orano Canada and Cameco Corporation are the authorized entities responsible for managing the active mining and milling operations. 

The following facilities are part of this uranium mining and milling infrastructure in Saskatchewan: 

  • Cigar Lake Mine
  • Key Lake Mill
  • McArthur River Mine 
  • McClean Lake Mill 
  • Rabbit Lake Mine and Mill

Orano and Cameco contribute significantly to the economic growth and development of Saskatchewan. These companies provide employment opportunities, both directly and indirectly, through their mining operations, which helps stimulate the local economy. The presence of these companies in the province fosters research and innovation in the nuclear sector. These companies collaborate with universities, research institutions, and government agencies to develop new technologies, improve mining processes, and enhance the safety and efficiency of nuclear energy production. Such collaborations contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge and technological capabilities in the province. 

Although Orano operates as a private company and Cameco has already amassed billions in worth, there are numerous other exploration companies that present an attractive prospect for investment and potential growth.

Enter: Tisdale Clean Energy -> A Junior Exploration Company That Can Become A Key Player in Saskatchewan Uranium’s Race

Tisdale Clean Energy (CSE:TCEC, OTC:TCEFF) is a prominent renewable energy company that intends to be at the forefront of sustainable and clean energy production. 

The question most investors would ask: what makes the company different from other junior and early-stage exploration companies?

 Tisdale’s properties contain uranium, meaning you would invest in a de-risked company. Unlikely other exploration stage companies, you would know as an investor the company’s foundations is backed by “pounds in the ground” and the sky will be the only limit. 

Here is the first property, the South Falcon East Property. The South Falcon East property spans approximately 12,234 hectares and is situated 18 kilometers beyond the southeastern part of the Athabasca Basin. It is located 55 kilometers to the east of the Key Lake Mine.

Here is why we were saying Tisdale’s property is de-risked. In March 2015, option partner Skyharbour Resources (TSX.V: SYH) made an exciting breakthrough with the Fraser Lakes Zone B deposit, located at the southern end of their property. A significant update was announced, enhancing the historical NI 43-101 mineral resource estimate. The new findings revealed an inferred resource of 7M pounds of U3O8, with an average grade of 0.03% U3O8. Additionally, a substantial 5.3M pounds of ThO2 was inferred, boasting an average grade of 0.023% ThO2. 

All of this was found within a substantial deposit of 10.3M tonnes, surpassing the cutoff grade of 0.01% U3O8. These significant figures not only solidify the potential of the Fraser Lakes Zone B deposit but also underscore Skyharbour’s commitment to advancing their mining endeavors. 

The drill program conducted during the winter and spring of 2015 proved to be highly successful in advancing the understanding of the deposit area. Through the drilling of five holes totaling 1,278 meters, Skyharbour achieved a significant breakthrough in their quest to uncover additional and higher-grade uranium mineralization at shallow depths. 

One of the most impactful findings of the program was the discovery of the highest-grade mineralization recorded thus far in the deposit area. Over a span of 2.5 meters, the company intersected mineralization containing an impressive 0.172% U3O8 (the world average is .02%) and 0.112% ThO2. This compelling result further validates exploration efforts and indicates the potential for substantial uranium deposits in the vicinity.

The significance of these findings cannot be overstated. Not only has substantial progress been made in expanding knowledge of the deposit area, but also a significant step towards uncovering more abundant and superior-grade uranium mineralization in shallower depths. These findings reinforce confidence in the future prospects of exploration efforts.

An exceptional opportunity presents itself with the South Falcon East property, calling for the implementation of a focused exploration program. This program aims to achieve compelling objectives that will significantly benefit the project: 

  • Unlocking the true potential of the Fraser Lakes Zone B by diligently exploring the eastern and western extensions of the currently defined deposit. This endeavor will not only validate the existing mineralized zone but can potentially uncover additional valuable resources, bolstering the overall worth of the property.
  • Augmenting the efficacy of future drill programs by conducting a meticulous analysis of geochemical and assay data in conjunction with comprehensive geological and structural analysis. By delving deeper into these crucial datasets, Tisdale can refine targeting strategies, ensuring that every drill program is optimized for success. 
  • The project is de-risked beyond the “is there anything here?” phase to a graduated exploration strategy of increasing both the size and grade of the deposit, which Tisdale firmly believes it can achieve.

In support of these endeavors, Skyharbour recently completed an important airborne gravity geophysical survey covering the entire South Falcon Point Property. Meticulously executed at a vertical height of 80 meters and with a line spacing of 200 meters, this extensive survey spans an impressive 2,843 line-kilometers. The positive results have helped refine drill targets and raised the potential of future exploration programs to greater levels.

In order to obtain a maximum interest of 75%, the following actions will be taken by Tisdale:

  1. Tisdale has issued 1,111,111 shares to Skyharbour.
  2. Tisdale will finance exploration costs amounting to CAD $10,500,000 over the life of the earn-in agreement. 
  3. Tisdale will make a cash payment of CAD $11,100,000 to Skyharbour, out of which $6,500,000 can be exchanged for Tisdale shares over a period of five years.

The company doesn’t put all its eggs in one basket, this is why Tisdale will also explore its second property at Keefe Lake. Again, the property is de-risked with historical work returning uranium grades. 

The Keefe Lake Property spans an area of 15,436 hectares and is located in the Northern region of Saskatchewan, around 280 km north of La Ronge. A nearby access road brings you within 15 km of the property, while Provincial Highway 905 runs approximately 30 km from the eastern boundary of the claims. 

Phase 1 will involve conducting an IP survey across the Spitz and Snag target areas, covering approximately 30 line kilometers. The specific configuration of the survey lines will be determined based on a review of the topography and prioritization of targets. Additionally, a comprehensive recompilation and evaluation of all historical geophysical and geological data will be undertaken, encompassing the entire property and incorporating exploration data from neighboring areas. The objective of this data review is to generate an interpretation report that presents an improved geological model and identifies a set of exploration targets. 

In Phase 2, a drilling program of 1,500 meters will be implemented to test the targets identified in Phase 1. These targets are likely to include the expansion areas of the KEF-11-01A pegmatite at Keefe Lake itself, as well as the Spitz and Snag targets in the northeast. Furthermore, structural targets inferred from the compilation work will also be included in this drilling program.

Tisdale can advance this straightforwardly thanks to a strong balance sheet. On March 16, Tisdale announced that it had completed a financing, raising a total of $1,003,000 in gross proceeds. The company issued 2,507,500 units at a price of $0.40 per unit. Each unit consists of one share and one-half of one common share purchase warrant. These warrants can be exercised to purchase a common share at a price of $0.75 until March 13, 2026, with the possibility of early expiry if Tisdale’s common share price exceeds $1.25 for five consecutive trading days. 

It brings the company’s cash holdings to $1.6 million, fully funding its exploration campaign at its Keefe Lake property. Furthermore, Tisdale has minimal expenses, characterized by low wage costs: 

  • Management fees: $14.2k
  •  Professional fees: $34.1k
  • Consulting fees: $26.1k

While the company has strong finances and is set to explore its Keefe Lake property, we can say that TCEC trades at a low valuation. The stock price is currently worth $0.46 (June 12), and fluctuated between $0.30 to $0.70 over the last 52 weeks. 

Experts at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference (VRIC) expressed confidence that uranium prices would experience a notable rebound in 2023, driven by the resurgent popularity of nuclear energy. This positive sentiment was fueled by the announcement of several developed nations to prolong the operational lifespan of their current nuclear power plants, alongside plans to expand their fleets. The air at VRIC was filled with optimism as participants recognized the growing momentum behind nuclear energy.

What it means for you as an investor is if uranium’s price increases, so will Tisdale’s market cap. Benefiting from robust de-risked properties, the company is well-positioned to capitalize on the momentum of the uranium market, further enhancing its growth prospects and investor appeal.

Why We Believe Tisdale Clean Energy Is A Hot Stock To Watch Right Now:

  • Nuclear energy and uranium are one of the main components of the Net Zero Emissions target by 2050;
  • 2 major uranium companies (Orano and Cameco) have facilities in Saskatchewan; 
  • Tisdale’s operations are located in the most prolific uranium district in the world;
  • Its 2 properties are substantially de-risked, with historical uranium results; 
  • The South Falcon East property contains a historical inferred mineral resource estimate of 7M pounds of U3O8, with an average grade of 0.03% U3O8;
  • Tisdale will explore its Keefe Lake property with a $750k program;
  • The company has $1.6M+ in cash, enabling it to fully finance its explorations; 
  • The share structure and the float represent an early stage, ground floor opportunity with only 16,470,000 shares outstanding. 

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